National ITI
National ITI has been setup with a view to
ensure a steady flow of skilled personnel
and to reduce unemployment amongst the educated
youth by equipping them with required skills,
education and discipline for suitable industrial
employment as well as self-employment.
They impart training in engineering
and non-engineering trades is as per the syllabus
and curriculum approved by Government of India.
Education levels were rising leading to higher expectations.
These factors combined to create a situation wherein unemployment continued to rise
because the mass of youth did not have access to job oriented education
& were thus not fit for employment in the fledgling Indian Industry.
National ITI is among 100 ITI's in the country which has been selected by DGE&T
(Directorate General of Employment & Trainig).
ITI Clean Campus
Cleaning of campus & all Building workshop, Hostels.
Frontage development & Plantation.
The gangway marking In workshop for safety precaution.
New systematic wiring and electrification
was done in workshop and campus buildings.
Displaying the sign board with duties of responsible person on each building, Add building & painting of slogans (appro. 1000) with oil paint on walls about cleaning, helth, positive attitude & characteristics development