About us
National ITI has been setup with a view to ensure a steady flow of skilled personnel and
to reduce unemployment amongst the educated youth by equipping them with required skills,
education and discipline for suitable industrial employment as well as self-employment.
They impart training in engineering and non-engineering trades is as per the syllabus
and curriculum approved by Government of India.
The Industrial Training Institute (ITI)
is certified institute
and governed by Directorate of Employment and Training.
The institute follows norms constituted by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) under
the guidance of Directorate of Employment and Training (DGE&T). At present,
there are many schemes like NCVT, GCVT, COE, Apparel and Goal etc.
are conducted by this institute.The institute conducts different technical
and non-technical courses in Two shifts.
Institute is a first ISO 9001:2008 certified Government ITI in the state which
shows our assurance and commitment for quality services.
Institute is also declared as Centre of Excellence ,
Apparel Park Training Centre in the year 2005.
Institute has very rich landscape area with plenty of trees
and many gardens in the compound providing a nice atmosphere for training.
Institute has rich Library, Audio- Visual room with state- of - the arts,
Sports room, Dispensary, Canteen and Hostel facility.Education levels were rising leading to higher expectations. These factors combined to create a situation wherein unemployment continued to rise because the mass of youth did not have access to job oriented education & were thus not fit for employment in the fledgling Indian Industry.